Shipping SlashDB version 0.9
Newest version of SlashDB features FREE license without time limit. Adds Docker, Vagrant and new Data Discovery features.
Newest version of SlashDB features FREE license without time limit. Adds Docker, Vagrant and new Data Discovery features.
SlashDB is proud to announce that founder and CEO, Victor Olex, had the honor of giving a presentation at the most recent API Strategy and Practice Conference. Olex, acting as SlashDB’s representative, presented a talk on API advancements and development,…
Influential technology management magazine CIOReview features two-page opinion piece from SlashDB's founder and CEO Victor Olex: "APIs as a Foundation for Systems of Engagement". Whereas cloud-to-cloud benefits of APIs have been covered at length elsewhere, Mr. Olex looks at APIs…
Victor Olex represented the SlashDB team on a panel about the future of data at the API Strategy & Practice conference. See the video below for an hour-long session of different perspectives on the topic or fast forward to minute…
Fresh from the API Strategy & Practice - slides from The Future of Data session. SlashDB's founder Victor Olex gave talk on this topic at the API Strategy & Practice conference yesterday. [quote]Where service oriented APIs are designed around business…
As announced at the API Strategy & Practice conference today, SlashDB is now available on Amazon’s Web Services Marketplace. Getting listed on the AWS Marketplace is an important milestone in the history of SlashDB because having your product featured on…
SlashDB will be making an appearance in this year’s API Strategy & Practice Conference. Stay tuned for major announcement from us on Thursday. API Strategy and Practice is a vendor neutral and community supported API industry conference to connect API…
Roberto V. Zicari, editor of has recently published an interview with a practicing data scientist John Goodwin about using semantic web technologies such as RDF to cope with large amount of data in disparate sources. Says Goodwin: Linked data…
The video of our presentation at the last NY Enterprise Technology has been published on YouTube. SlashDB is presented in context of systems of engagement. We discuss how to construct a uniform data architecture spanning enterprise and web. Enterprise CIOs…
Come hack with us April 6-7, 2013 at the Fintech Hackathon in NYC. Win $10,000 + exposure to thought leaders in the industry. SlashDB is pleased to be a technology partner to the event among esteemed financial and web technology businesses…