Influential technology management magazine CIOReview features two-page opinion piece from SlashDB’s founder and CEO Victor Olex:
“APIs as a Foundation for Systems of Engagement“.
Whereas cloud-to-cloud benefits of APIs have been covered at length elsewhere, Mr. Olex looks at APIs from the perspective of larger organizations with legacy systems on premises.
Learn how enterprises extend those systems to the cloud, why this is taking place, and why APIs are the enabling technology. Find out the difference between resource vs. service oriented architectures.
Under ROA data resources should be uniformly accessible to both software engineers and domain knowledge workers (data scientists,
business intelligence, quantitative analysts and salespeople.
What do Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp and Salesforce.com have to do with your enterprise systems? Consider the implications of leveraging third-party cloud-based systems.
(…) no matter how compelling and easy to use those (SaaS) apps are, they are disconnected from your business’ systems
of record. Working in isolation they cannot fully support custom business processes.
You can download the reprint of whole article from here: https://www.slashdb.com/resources/cio-review-apis-as-foundation-sys-engagement.pdf
SlashDB is an API gateway for databases and a key component in solutions for extending legacy client/server systems into cloud, mobile and Big Data applications. Questions about API, data management or cloud applications? Please contact us for a free consultation.