The growth of cloud computing, the transformative potential of hyperlocal and contextual products […], and the growth of mobile apps in the enterprise and beyond are all driving a need for robust database architecture that can manage real-time data transactions and analysis from high-volumes of simultaneous users accessing data around the globe. […]
“Traditional databases such as Oracle, MS SQL Server and DB2 are the cornerstone of business data management infrastructure: the so-called stores of record,” explains Victor Olex, Founder of VT Enterprise which runs SlashDB. “But in today’s world, data management has to extend beyond enterprise walls and those systems do not always work as well at web scale. While NoSQL databases offer a scalable substitute, they come with a hidden cost: time and expense required to rewrite existing business applications or at the very least to feed those new Big Data stores with important enterprise data from the stores of record.
“When it comes to leveraging investments already made in traditional databases for the purposes of web and mobile, or to connect with NoSQL, SlashDB offers a thin API facade that instantly turns SQL databases into HTTP resources, complete with authorization, search, data format conversion and caching features. As a result, previously siloed SQL data can now be obtained in JSON, XML and other formats that both NoSQL and web applications can seamlessly work with.” […]
Source: Databases at Scale Part Three: The Reality of Transactional Apps – The New Stack by Mark Boyd.